Potluck chat: x-marks artbetween & CACN

October 13, 2009 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Potluck chat: x-marks artbetween & CACN
Potluck chat: x-marks artbetween & CACN
Potluck chat: x-marks artbetween & CACN

Hi everyone,
This week we’ll be talking with Stephan Hausmeister about x-marks-the-spot and “Break on Through to the Other Side…” in Berlin next month, organied by artbetween and the China Art Criticism Network (CACN).

Snippet from Stephan about x-marks

All we [ http://www.artbetween.org ] are trying to achieve is to get 5 Chinese performance artists over to Berlin to present their work at the East Side Gallery on Sunday, 8 November. The Chinese government managed to put German institutions under pressure not to grant any visas for the guys, because anything to do with 1989 is banned at the moment in China and apparently they also trying to ban any statements which Chinese artists are trying to make abroad.
x-marks is meant to function as a sort of mysterious lunatic subtex for our “Break on Through to the other Side” video and performance art festival, scaring off Chinese censorship authorities by giving out dubious messages.
It seems to work, on 8 of October parts of the great Firewall of China collapsed and we may soon be able to collect videos from Chinese artists via YouTube.

A few more links:

See you all Then!

Join us every Tuesday night – in person, or on Skype, skypename: ‘basekamp’
If you come to the potluck in person, be sure to bring a dish :)
(basekamp space: 723 Chestnut St, 2nd floor, Philadelphia usa)