Potluck chat: Vagabondism part II - Apr 7 2009
Hi everyone,
Tomorrow is part 2 of a conversation about the forthcoming class on “vagabondism”, as part of a new chapter of The Public School in Philadelphia.
Vagabondism @ Basekamp last week
A short list of conversation highlights
Relevant reads such as “A Call To Farms: Continental Drift Through The Midwwest Radical Cultural Corridor”. Potential problems when executing a long term, hands-on travel project. The ethics of studying vagabondism, questions of choice vs. necessity. Notions of reverse transience, fixed mobile spaces. Finding home in transience and maintaining balance on the move. Age and class, and who would potentially be attracted to this exploration. What it means to to be off the grid. The potential for role-playing and theater when approaching a travel project.
This Tuesday we can discuss the connection dates with The Public School in Los Angeles, course readings, conceivable experiments in movement, relevant creative work produced, personal experience.
See you all Then!
Join us every Tuesday night – in person, or on Skype, skypename: ‘basekamp’
If you come to the potluck in person, be sure to bring a dish :)
(basekamp space: 723 Chestnut St, 2nd floor, Philadelphia usa)