Potluck chat & Vagabondism Class- June 16thth
Potluck + Vagabondism Class:
Potluck 6-?pm EST
Class 9-11pm EST
The first part of the meeting June 16th will involve an in depth interview with current traveler, Hellen. Hellen is currently on the move in Europe and has been mobile since January 10th 2009. She will join us remotely on Skype from England . During the second part of the meeting we will discuss the text “Home Free Home: A History of Two Open-Door California Communes”. For more information including a link to download the class reader please go to
Vagabondism Class
Transience as a viable and sustainable creative action, historical models and resources
Beginning May 26th, six meetings every Tuesday
At The Public School, Los Angeles and Basekamp, Philadelphia
or join us from anywhere on Skype. Connect to username BASEKAMP
Two groups will meet in person, one in Los Angeles and one in Philadelphia and we will connect via Skype with others joining remotely . There are two main goals set out for Vagabodism. One is to form a notable historical framework highlighting examples of vagabonding and/or transience during the last one hundred years. A few examples we will study include looking at modern peripatetic peoples, transient teens during the Great Depression, or the open-land experiment known as Morningstar during the 1960’s. The second goal is to highlight online resources and fellows peers’ personal travel accounts to aid in the organization of a travel experiement with fellow participants.
Join us every Tuesday night – in person, or on Skype, skypename: ‘basekamp’
If you come to the potluck in person, be sure to bring a dish :)
(basekamp space: 723 Chestnut St, 2nd floor, Philadelphia usa)
Michael G. Bauer
323 404 2569