Potluck chat: The New Up, Transhumanist Apologetics
Hi everyone,
This week Nathan Shafer will talk about the Meme-Rider Media Team’s project The New Up: Transhumanist Apologetics.
More info about the initiative:
The New Up is a social project in deep development concerning the unseen issues of transhumanist apologetics. In the 1960s an ex-patriot Iranian philosopher named FM 2030 wrote a series of philosophical texts referring to an ‘Up-Wing’ philosophy of the future. He predicted that in the early part of the 21st century politics would move from left vs. right to down vs. up. He referred to the age of the 60s as Optimism One. The New Up sees our current age as Optimism 2.0. The project will be a series of online texts and webisodes covering the often neglected yet pivotal writings of the optimistic transhumanist philosophers from FM 2030’s Up-winger Manifesto to Timothy Leary’s Starseed (the first serious essay on terra-forming written by Leary while in solitary confinement at Fulsom County Prison as Johnny Cash was recording his infamous Live From Fulsom County Prison album in the cafeteria). It provides a much needed explanation, exegesis and re-evaluation of the importance of these early cyberpunk, transhumanist, up-winger and futurist philosophies.
See you all then!
Join us every Tuesday night – in person, or on Skype, skypename: ‘basekamp’
If you come to the potluck in person, be sure to bring a dish :)
(basekamp space: 723 Chestnut St, 2nd floor, Philadelphia usa)