Potluck chat: ici project - July 28 2009
Hi everyone,
Tomorrow we’ll be talking with a few people in Philadelphia - Ken Kay & Joan Smith - about the new software-based project ‘ici’. Ken will give a presentation and demonstration of the web portal and mobile device software, followed by a discussion about the potential uses and implications.
Here’s a brief description of the project:
ici is software for the iPhone (and other smartphones) that enables users to view messages, stories, and images placed in specific locations. Like virtual sticky notes, ici users post messages wherever they are. When other ici users near that spot, they see the messages left by other ici users.
See you all Then!
Join us every Tuesday night – in person, or on Skype, skypename: ‘basekamp’
If you come to the potluck in person, be sure to bring a dish :)
(basekamp space: 723 Chestnut St, 2nd floor, Philadelphia usa)