The Base

September 19, 2012 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
The Base
The Base

Welcome back everyone! This Wednesday, as the first in a new series of participatory enquiries into collective initiatives, Basekamp will be hosting a Skype chat with Elysa Lozano and Khalil Robinson about the new project space they will soon be opening in Bushwick, Brooklyn, called The Base.

It seems appropriate to launch this sporadic series of conversations on art-sustaining environments and the growing network of collective practices by getting in touch with The Base, which is itself committed to the dissemination of radical-left ideas and organizing. The mission of the space is to help spread ideas and practices within the broader community and provide a constructive environment where people can get together and organize outside of traditional activist and educational institutions. The hope is to find ways to give political theory more traction in the broader community and amongst people who may never have grappled with theoretical issues at any formal level but who may find it useful in structuring the practical politics of their living situations. As the founders put it, The Base will help “establish a framework where creative modes of sharing will be encouraged, with the goal of spreading these modes beyond the confines of the space itself. We intend to establish a sociopolitical model in New York City where participants can create projects that are expansive and creative.”

Some more info on kickstarter:

See you then!

Join us this Tuesday!

  • On Skype (skypename: ‘basekamp’).
  • If you have any trouble with Skype, ping us on IRC.

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